Local Family History and Genealogy
From the Ingonish coast to Neils Harbour, from the shores of Aspy Bay to Money Point and the fields of Pollett’s Cove, the North Highlands has witnessed many centuries of human migration. Mi-kmaq summered around the bay near the land they called Menike’jk – Cape North.
Portuguese fishermen made seasonal visits to our waters as early as the late 1400’s. Centuries later, European and American settlers brought their families to begin a new life. The English landlords, Scottish clan chiefs, and the British navy wrote much of the history of homesteading in the North Highlands. Many families of United Empire Loyalists came up from New England to Aspy Bay as well.
Many Scots who settled around Aspy Bay and its environs were victims of the Highland Clearances. Descendants of settlers who came many years ago populate North Highlands communities today. Some with no blood ties to the land have joined them. Not all stayed, of course; subsistence, economic advantage, oppression and personal circumstance have all played roles in these comings and goings.
The Museum holds a collection of historical and genealogical material, including family records which were maintained from the time of the original pioneers through to the present. The museum also has extensive records of the surrounding graveyards.
In short, if you are looking into your family history or genealogy, the North Highlands Community Museum is sure to have interesting information for you.
Requests for genealogical research are welcome! Our dedicated volunteers are happy to assist in researching your family history. Research fees start at $20/hour and are payable online as a tax-deductable donation to North Highlands Community Organization.
Allison/Ellison, Ashford, Arsenault, Asseff
Barron, Barnes, Bartlett, Beaton, Benoit, Best, Billard, Bird, Bishop, Bonnar, Brewer, Briand, Brown, Buchanan, Budge, Buffett, Burke, Burrage, Burnett, Burton
Cameron, Cann, Campbell, Capstick, Carter, Chaisson/Chiason, Christie, Clinch,Cook/Cooke, Corbett, Crewe, Courtney, Curtis Daisley, Dauphinee, Day, Dee, Dixon, Donahue, Donovan, Doucet/Doucette, Dowling, Doyle, Duggan, Dunphy, Dupe
Fitzgerald, Ford, Fraser
Gillis, Gwinn/Gwynn
Hardy, Harvey, Hatcher, Hawley, Heffernan, Hellen, Hines, Hingley/Hinkley, Holmes, Hussey
Ingraham/Ingram, Ivey
Jackson, Jamieson, Jeans/Janes, Jobs
Kane, Kavanaugh/Cavanagh, Kanary, Keagan/Keigan, Kerr
LaRusic, Lillington
MacAskill, MacDonald, MacDougall, MacEachern, MacGregor, MacInnis, MacIntosh, MacIsaac, MacKenzie, MacKinnon, MacLean, MacLeod, MacLellan, MacLennan, MacNeil, MacPherson, MacRae, Maloney, McEvoy, McGean, Meade, Moore, Morrison, Murphy
Nash, Neal, Nolan, Nunn
Paquette, Payne, Pentecost, Petrie, Peters, Power/Powers
Rambeau, Rideout, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Roper, Rudderham
Sams, Samways, Seymour, Shea, Smith, Snow, Sparling, Stockley, Strang, Strickland, Sturgess, Sweet, Symes
Taylor, Theriault, Timmons, Turner, Urquhart
Wadman, Walsh, Warr, Warren, Whiteley, Whitty, Wilkie, Williams, Winters
Young, Zwicker, . . . and others!
Museum Location:
29243 The Cabot Trail
Cape North
Cape Breton
Nova Scotia