Cape Breton Cabot Trail Attraction - North HIghland Museum

Museum Exhibits

The Museum hosts a number of professionally crafted interpretive exhibits illustrating the way of life of the early settlers of northern Cape Breton.

Topics include gypsum quarrying, stores, church histories, shipwrecks, furnishings, school and transportation, and many more.

See below for a more complete outline of our exhibits by topic.

Also see our special exhibits page.

Cape Breton Cabot Trail Museum Exhibits


Museum Exhibit Topics

Migration to Our Region
The Region: Geography and Topography
Aboriginal Settlements
Arrival of Europeans

Life at the edge of the Sea
Marine Transportation: Coasters and Steamers

Storm Drums, Fog Horns
St. Paul Island Weather Reports

The Auguste
The Titanic
Other Shipwrecks

Life on the Land
Hunting and Trapping
Mining: The Gypsum Quarries
Health and Medicine
Religion and Churches

Home Life and Crafts:
House Building and Furnishing
Spinning, Dyeing and Weaving
Quilting and Sewing
Early Schools

Land Transportation:
Early Roads, Horses, Sleighs, Snowshoes

Links to the Wide World
Transatlantic Cable Across Aspy Bay
Local Men and Women in the World Wars and Korea